Monday, 23 February 2015

list of things to be thankful for

  1. Having enough money to survive in melbourne as things are ridiculously expensive compared to the Asian countries I have been living in. 
  2. Having friends 
  3. Having a childhood friend for over 13 years now and still keeping in touch and still being able to talk to her 
  4. Having Kat in my life to show me the strings of living in melbourne though I've been here for a couple of years 
  5. Having sleepovers at her house. I feel special. I never got that much attention 
  6. I believe that their is just one single god and that's who I pray to in my mind. 
  7. I can make friends easily if needed
  8. I'm learning to smile again for a reason 
  9. I am learning to love myself
  10. I love my family 

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Inner child

Oh my friend, my familiar friend I've picked up this pen to write  Too many thoughts of you  Too many anger-filled words Too many sorrow...