Sunday, 26 July 2015

You see heres the biggest difference between my best friend and i. To her, looking acceptable is important. With fashionable clothes, a nice hair day, and just overall looking good means alot. Whereas its totally the opposite for me. I dont care now whether the jeans i wear are ripped inside or too baggy from being stretched. I dont care how tight my shirt looks around my shoulders and stomach because my condition makes it so hard to lose fat when i am struggling with deficiencies. And most of all my hair. I dont care if its in a messy bun and overall looks like a birds nest. You know whats the best part? No one cares. They look at you but they forget you. They wont remember you tomorrow because we are not deemed important enough.
And here is where your friends come in. If your friends pick on you for what you wear and how you look, and put you down for being yourself outside your room, girl let me tell you this. Being alone is so much more worth it than being with someone who cant accept your differences. Sure, my best friend doesnt need to be so dressed up and fancy everytine because in all honesty shes always pretty with someone without those clothes. But that's how she feels comfortable and it doesnt bother me. And imagine me next to her with my hoodies and sweatpants eating in a fine dining resturant.
She didnt give a fuck . She didnt question my outfit, didnt comment on my tired eyes, just kept it normal.

We accept each other for our differences. Maybe thats the biggest thing friendships should focus on. Not the similarities. But the differences. Believe me then youll know you made a friend worth more than your heart.


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Inner child

Oh my friend, my familiar friend I've picked up this pen to write  Too many thoughts of you  Too many anger-filled words Too many sorrow...