Friday, 25 March 2016

loving someone else

It should've been easy getting over him, especially when he wasn't here anymore. But that's what made it harder, that he wasn't here. I hugged my knees tighter to my chest as I rocked back and forth gently. "How do you do it Romanov? How do you get over someone you are in love with? Someone who's no longer worth loving?"

"You can't," Romanov whispered, his voice as gentle as the summer breeze. "not even when you feel like there's no more love to give, there's no more you to share, or when they themselves are not there anymore.No matter how much people say its a mistake, sometimes, its the best yet perhaps the worst mistake people like you commit to for the rest of their lives."

" I can't live my life loving a dead guy Aiden! I can't keep waking up in the morning trying to learn how to smile again when I feel so empty inside. "

Romanov looked at me, and as the stars started reflecting in his eyes I realized his eyes were watering. " You don't have to love him only. You can love again. You can love countless times, and fall in love with countless people, and countless things. He isn't the only one you should guard your heart for Lyubov moya because it won't hurt every time. And I know. I know it sounds easy in theory. You loved some of your life loving this person, so how can you suddenly un-love them? Ashanna, once you feel the way you do for someone, there's no going back. Especially when you love until there's nothing to give anymore. So it's okay. It's okay that you love him Ashanna. But remember that its also okay to love someone else now, because he is no longer here to love in front of you. He is all but a memory and an ident on your soul, allow others too. Give them a chance."

I wasnt sure if i wanted to try. As lovesick and cliche as it sounded, when i was in love my world was brighter, my days were vibrant and all i could remember was every laughing moment.

it would be hard, nearly impossible, but maybe.. maybe it would be okay


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Inner child

Oh my friend, my familiar friend I've picked up this pen to write  Too many thoughts of you  Too many anger-filled words Too many sorrow...