Mirror, mirror on my wall
what is this i see?
fat, ugly, and small
is there something i can be?
mirror mirror, if i change my eyes
will i look more pretty?
ill wear makeup, ill cover my smile
and ill never be seen as a girl with pity
mirror mirror, if i change my hair
To any colour except black
will people finally stop and look
for i have something they lack?
mirror mirror, im so fat
will starving myself be everything?
ill cut down my food, like eating air
will i be worth a diamond ring?
Mirror mirror i cannot sleep
for my mind is telling tales
of ugliness, of imperfection, everything i am
should i believe those males?
oh mirror dont you see
how sad i am, being me
for as i stand here, looking at what you show
is there anyway i can look for more?
please mirror listen to my pleas
for i want to be a pretty girl
tall, skinny, and fair
a princess for you all
But i understand mirror, what you show
for i can never be what society looks for
im not tall, skinny, or pretty
for i am a girl never looked back for
Its okay mirror i understand
why you have slowly obscured my face
for within your cracks given by my hand
you want to hide away my grace
Therefore i shall listen to you oh mirror
for i will always be what theyre naught
because within all these imperfections
is a beauty never bought.
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