Friday, 27 May 2016

goodluck for exams!

Let me tell you guys something . let me tell you one of my biggest fears > the fear of failure. I'm driving myself to the ground with sleepless nights and frantic thoughts that I'm going to bomb my exams because I never manage to 'study enough'. I'm not one of those kids who soak in knowledge like a sponge and vomit it out whenever asked. I belong to those, the people that feel overwhelmed in lectures ,the ones that are afraid to even go to classes anymore for I fall behind. I get lost. I'm not like those students that get on with life by themselves, for youll find me in my house , in my bedroom, having a breakdown over words that simply don't make any sense anymore. And let me tell you . let me tell you this . I'm not afraid to be different . I am not afraid to be the one who can't be as smart as her classmate, because I am still important, I am still alive, for as long as I try. Do not ever, I repeat, ever give up when its shit. Life is perhaps the worst lesson to learn from, but god let me tell you, that times like these are hard. But the moment they pass, I can't explain how joyous it is to be stress free again. How good you feel that yes you just jumped another hurdle. 
Exams are going to be tough life long, but so will life . you never can be who you want to be just as long as you never give up on that hope

Good luck for exams <3

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Inner child

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