Thursday, 9 June 2016

dear shitty best friend

I always saw the good in you no matter how bad you treated me
i always bought you things, paid for things, lent you money, with no questions asked, no answers expected
i loved you like i wouldve loved my sister, for you gave me company when no one else did
you took advantage of that
you took advantage
of my company
my friendship
my inability to trust anyone
but you
if i made a mistake
there was no going back
anything id have to say
i remember having to carefully watch over my words
make sure they dont hurt you
you were always too sensitive
so much so youd never forgive me
when id carelessly tell you something
"oh you look like a raccoon hahah"
youd get angry and not talk to me properly for days
because somehow
a simple joke
would make you angry
but i was in love with you
i was so in love
with the idea
of having a best friend
not caring
how she
how you
treated me

there were days youd be nice
and we would spend time together
but there were dark days
days where youd snap at me
tell me to learn how to be alone
and tell me to grow up

people knew you because of me
because id tell them
all the good things youve done
but your bad outweighed the good
you were insanely jealous
insanely manipulative
and even possessive to a point where whats yours you wouldnt want to share

i spent years
behind you
in your shadow
watched you
toss me away
only to bring me back when you needed me for something
we both know i was more popular despite the odds
we both know how i could make friends and stick to them
god im supposed to hate you

but i dont
despite everything
i learnt alot of things from you
you taught me independence
you taught me that loving myself is the best bet to survive in this world
you taught me best friends dont exist
and you taught me
to not be used
because you discarded me
the moment the time came

im sorry for all my mistakes
but im sorry for the reason
you talked to me
and became friends fast
perhaps you were a learning lesson
people can never be trusted
no matter
how good
or how trustworthy they are

thank you

with love


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Inner child

Oh my friend, my familiar friend I've picked up this pen to write  Too many thoughts of you  Too many anger-filled words Too many sorrow...